

1. Its a form of relaxation after the hectic day. 2. It produces a hormone that makes you feel good, happy and bonded towards your spouse....

1. Its a form of relaxation after the hectic day.

2. It produces a hormone that makes you feel good, happy and bonded towards your spouse.

3. It relieves the body of stress and mental disorder. One of the ways to boost your mood, fight depression and beat anxiety is simple- sex (in a loving, committed relationship, of course).

"Psychologically, sex improves one's mental health by building intimacy and reducing stress," "It reduces the chances of increased blood pressure, hyperglycemia and increased acidity in the abdomen- Dr Desmond

4. Therefore, it enhances sound health.

5. Therefore promotes longevity.

6. It is a form of exercise there you get all the health benefit of exercise.

7. During sex, warmth is generated that keep cold away.

8. It aid effective blood circulation because during sex, your heart beats faster therefore pumping blood and oxygen round the body. Researchers found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half." While the study results were focused on men, Dr. Ebanks suspects similar effects for women, too.

9. Makes you burn excess fat and calories that can harm your health. "Sex burns between 75 and 150 calories per half-hour,"  Bonus: Sex may also help your muscles stay lean in the process. "Sexual arousal and orgasm releases the hormone testosterone, which, among other things, is necessary to build and maintain bone and lean muscle tissue," says Desmond Ebanks, MD.

10. Therefore makes you lose excess weight and be in shape.

11. It can get you a better, deep and satisfying sleep. After orgasm of both the man and his wife they experience a more satisfying sleep which is one of the benefits of sex.

12. It can boost your immune system system. Yes, you can boost your immune system not by nutrients or drugs alone but by sex also. From a research by of married couples "who have sex once or twice a week show 30 percent higher levels of an antibody called. immunoglobulin A, which is known to boost the immune system,". So, make this your new cold-and-flu season mantra: Wash your hands and make a bedroom date with your sweetie—often! - Desmond Ebank.

13. It can help relief pain: You might say "Not tonight, honey, I have a headache" to "Yes, tonight, honey, I have a headache," or so says Dr. Ebanks, who believes there's a real correlation between sex and pain management. "Through sexual arousal and orgasm the hormone oxytocin is secreted in your body, which in turn causes the release of endorphins," he explains. "Because of. these natural opiates, sex acts as a powerful analgesic."

14. It helps with bladder control. Frequent sex exercises your muscles around the bladder, reproductive system and urinary system which make them be in good form, shape, control and performance.

15. May give you a healthier skin. Skin tends to glow brighter during sex. This can be well noticed in those who are light in complexion. This shows that sex has an effect on the freshness of our skin because more blood is supplied
Others include:

16. It aid bonding between spouses.

17. Its aid effective communication. During sex both communicate deep things of their heart to each other.

18. It aid forgiveness. Good sex cannot happen in bitterness, anger, grudges, etc. So if there is any misunderstanding both tends to talk it out.

19. It a form of covenant renewal between spouses.

20. During sex, you are naked. You can't enjoy sex with clothes on. That why you pull off. Some even tear their cloth if its proving stubborn just to be naked because of the power of sex.

 Now, think about that naked state you are with your spouse. There is a lesson God wants to teach us there.

Genesis  2:25  And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Its OPENNESS. God wants us to be open in and out to our spouse. NO SKELETON IN THE CUPBOARD. You are not ashame to tell your spouse all about you past, present and future. This is one of the. foundation of marriage.
- Aremo Abiodun