If you want divine backing of God in your marriage you need to make sure your courtship satisfy Him, by avoiding the don’ts in courtship ...

If you want divine backing of God in your marriage you need to make sure your courtship satisfy Him, by avoiding the don’ts in courtship listed below:

1. Don’t neglect God in your courtship. Remember God is the author of marriage. Gen. 2:21-25.

2. Don’t pretend in courtship. Be yourself and let your partner know who you are. Stop being deceitful because it will ruin you and your relationship. It is what you sow you will reap.

3. Don’t have a secret courtship. Let your Pastor, friends and parents know. This keeps both parties under check and makes it difficult for one to cheat and play on the ignorance of the other.

4. Don’t double date. Be focused on your relationship and desire the best to come out of it. Stop sampling between girls/guys

6. Never cohabit. Living together before marriage is ungodly and disobedient to the word of God (fornication). Brothers stop taking her to your bedroom when you have not paid her bride price and taken her to the altar.
It is an error to live together before marriage. If you truly love her, you will marry her. Cohabitation does not equal marriage. 
Marriage is a covenant and cohabitation is a convenience. True love does not fear the commitment of marriage. A man who truly loves his woman will not just live with her but he will marry her and publicly vow to live with her “till death do them part”. if you truly love her, you wouldn’t find it too hard to say “will you marry me”? Do the honourable thing and turn your cohabitation convenience into a marriage covenant. - Pastor Samuel Olagbenjo