
A very poor man lived with his wife whose hair was very long. One day the wife asked her husband to buy her a comb for her long hair so that...

A very poor man lived with his wife whose hair was very long. One day the wife asked her husband to buy her a comb for her long hair so that it can continue to grow well and to be well groomed. The man felt sorry and said he didn't have money even to fix the strap of his watch which had just broken. The wife did not insist. On his way to work that day, the man passed by a watch shop, sold his damaged watch at a low price and went to buy a comb for...

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Below is a guide on how to treat your wife in marriage.  Please study and put to practice. ●Don’t shout at your wife when you are talking...

Below is a guide on how to treat your wife in marriage.  Please study and put to practice. ●Don’t shout at your wife when you are talking. It really hurts her. (Proverbs 15:1) ●Do not speak evil of her to anyone. Your wife will become who you call her. (Gen. 2:19) ●Do not share her love or affection with another woman. It is called Adultery. (Matt. 5:28) ●Never compare your wife to another woman. If the other woman was good for you, God would have given her to you. (2 Cor. 10:12) ●Don’t ever allow her to beg...

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Important message gotten from a Doctor friend online. When lights are off at night, one must not view the hand phone! (Smartphone) Hab...

Important message gotten from a Doctor friend online. When lights are off at night, one must not view the hand phone! (Smartphone) Habitually using hand phones before bedtime in the dark can lead to serious problems. Recently, an increasing number of 30-40 year-old patients are seeking medical attention due to using hand phones in the dark. Professor Li Li, director of the Hospital of Ophthalmology SGH Singapore, said: direct glare of >30 minutes would cause irreversible eye macular degeneration that leads to rapid deterioration of vision. Contracting maculopathy (eye cancer) means waiting for loss of sight because modern...

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At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to death . At the time Crucifixion was the "worst" death. Only the worst Criminals were...

At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to death . At the time Crucifixion was the "worst" death. Only the worst Criminals were condemned to be crucified. Yet it was Even more dreadful for Jesus, unlike Other criminals condemned to death by Crucifixion Jesus was to be nailed to the Cross by His hands and feet. Each nail Was 6 to 8 inches long. The nails Were driven into His wrist. Not Into His palms as is commonly Portrayed. There's a tendon in the wrist that Extends to the shoulder. The Roman guards knew That when the...

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THE OTHER SIDE OF LOVE. DAY ONE. 1Cor13:13...AND NOW ABIDES FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, THESE THREE; BUT THE GREATEST OF THIS IS LOVE. Love is a very important word that has got a lot of people confuse. The Hollywood, the nollywood and all the woods have acted it but can't live it. The circular artist sings and describe it but can't stand it. The mistake they make is to think that Love is confession. Love is more of an expression than a confession. It's deep and it comes with a lot of sacrifices. You may be able to define...

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Whether you’re planning your wedding vows, writing a toast, or just daydreaming about someone special, these 100 quotes on love and marriage...

Whether you’re planning your wedding vows, writing a toast, or just daydreaming about someone special, these 100 quotes on love and marriage from poets, artists, and philosophers are sure to inspire. 1. “Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi 2. “To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow–this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” – Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage 3. “If I get married, I want to be very married.” – Audrey Hepburn 4. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from...

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Two days ago a post was created about the various types of married men we have in homes which was quite good in grooming some guys to upgr...

Two days ago a post was created about the various types of married men we have in homes which was quite good in grooming some guys to upgrade themselves from short comings...However, due to some demands for the type of wives version I just decided to come with the version about the different types of wives too in marriages. TYPES OF WIVES: 1. Boxing Wives: These are the type of wives that fight with their husbands deliberately just to provoke him to anger...These kind of women are ready to fight with the husband mostly in the public area...

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According to a wedding report, there are basically 10 types of husbands in existence. They are listed below… 1. BACHELOR HUSBAND Does ...

According to a wedding report, there are basically 10 types of husbands in existence. They are listed below… 1. BACHELOR HUSBAND Does things on his own without consulting wife. Hangs out a lot with friends more than the wife. Not serious about marriage life. 2. ACIDIC HUSBAND Is always boiling like acid and always angry violent, moody, dominating and very dangerous. 3. SLAVE HUSBAND Wants to be treated like a King but treats Wife like a Slave. Likes wife to perform old tradition respect and hates being called by their first name. 4. GENERAL HUSBAND Husband for every...

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TO THOSE WHO ARE MARRIED AND/OR ARE PREPARING TO GET MARRIED SOON 1. EVERYONE YOU MARRY HAS A WEAKNESS Only God has no weakness. Every rose flower has its own thorn. If you focus too much on your spouse's weakness, you can't get the best out of his/her strength. 2. EVERYONE YOU MARRY HAS A DARK HISTORY No one is an Angel, therefore, avoid digging one's past. What matters is the present life of your partner. Old things are passed away. try to forgive and forget. The past can't be change. So Focus on the present and the...

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Getting regular exercise does far more for you, than just make you lose weight and keep fit; it can give you a whole new zest for life. Y...

Getting regular exercise does far more for you, than just make you lose weight and keep fit; it can give you a whole new zest for life. You know exercise is good for you, but do you know how good? From boosting your mood to improving your sex life, increase your mental capacity and help you live for longer. Here are 8 ways that regular exercise can improve your whole life: It strengthens your bones: Just like your muscles, your bones are living tissue too, and the more you exercise them, the stronger they will get. You may...

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This topic will benefit both ladies and guys. A woman plays many roles in her life. She is a daughter, a wife and a mother. Every woman ob...

This topic will benefit both ladies and guys. A woman plays many roles in her life. She is a daughter, a wife and a mother. Every woman obviously wants to be a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother too. She has to give lots of love in order to be all these ‘goods’. But just love is not enough to be a good wife. Some skills and qualities are required to be a good wife and of course for a healthy marriage. My advice to all the housewives is to be a good wife and...

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Villagers in Kapsir, a rural outpost in Boito area in Kericho County, are yet to wrap their minds around probably the shortest marriage and ...

Villagers in Kapsir, a rural outpost in Boito area in Kericho County, are yet to wrap their minds around probably the shortest marriage and most bizarre separation case ever to happen in their locale. This is after, perhaps desperate for the slightest of reasons to walk out of her two-month arranged marriage, a woman fed up with her dirty and inconsiderate husband separated from him due to his habit of farting in bed, among other pet peeves. It is alleged that the man, a tea picker only identified as Serut, is so averse to bathing that his wife...

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Marriage is the only school where you get the Certificate before you start. It's also a school where you will never graduate. It...

Marriage is the only school where you get the Certificate before you start. It's also a school where you will never graduate. It's a school without a break or a free period. It's a school where no one is allowed to drop out. It's a school you will have to attend every day of your life. It's a school where there is no sick leave or holidays. It's a school founded by God: 1.On the foundation of love. 2.The walls are made out of trust. 3.The door made out of acceptance. 4.The windows made out of understanding 5.The...

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Important information for folk's (Ladies & Gents) using Microwave in the house or at the office....??? Please read It carefully ...

Important information for folk's (Ladies & Gents) using Microwave in the house or at the office....??? Please read It carefully & don't miss out any point... When was the last time you checked your microwave for radiation leakage? Yes, I did say radiation leakage, because any microwave can start leaking radiation any time, for whatever reasons. And such a leakage is hazardous to humans and pets in the house. You don't need to call in experts or to send your microwave to the dealer's workshop for a leakage test. That's time consuming, inconvenient and costly. Here's how you...

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We hate to deliver depressing news, but the fact is, some chest sag is inevitable. Having a baby, breastfeeding, and racking up more birth...

We hate to deliver depressing news, but the fact is, some chest sag is inevitable. Having a baby, breastfeeding, and racking up more birthdays all contribute to a loss of elasticity of collagen, the connective tissue under the skin—leaving your set more deflated than firm. Sag can also be a matter of genetics. If your mother had a droopy pair, you might be predisposed to one, too (thanks, Mom!). Here’s the thing: Some b00b behaviors that seem like they have nothing to do with sag can actually contribute to it—so if you avoid them, your br**sts will be...

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1. Popcorns are normally fried in the same pot, in the same oil, at the same time and under the same heat conditions,But they do not all pop...

1. Popcorns are normally fried in the same pot, in the same oil, at the same time and under the same heat conditions,But they do not all pop at the same time. 2. When flood comes, fish eat ants and when flood recedes, ants eat fish, Only time matters. 3. To make soap, oil is required and to clean oil, soap is required. This is the irony of life. Everybody needs somebody at any one point in time. Do not despise or treat anyone with scorn when they are excelling or failing more than you. There is time...

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This is a teaching done by my friend who is a marriage counselor,  Pastor Samuel Olagbenjo. A message exclusively for soon-to-be marrie...

This is a teaching done by my friend who is a marriage counselor,  Pastor Samuel Olagbenjo. A message exclusively for soon-to-be married couples. Please read and get wisdom. The wedding time is one of the most important points in a person’s lifetime, and everyone desires to have a great wedding. The preparation for a wedding ceremony is not a uphill task if you know what it takes and follow the right principles. Wedding is an official ceremony that signifies the commencement of a new home. So you just got engaged and you’re thinking about how you’re going to...

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A man reached 70 years of age and was affected by a disease which made him unable to urinate. The doctors told him that he needs an operat...

A man reached 70 years of age and was affected by a disease which made him unable to urinate. The doctors told him that he needs an operation to cure the disease. He agreed to do the operation as the problem was giving him severe pain for days. When the operation was completed the doctor gave him a bill which covered all the costs. After looking at the bill, the man started crying. Upon seeing this, the doctor said "If the cost is too high then we could make some other arrangements for you. "The old man replied,...

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BEWARE AND BEWARNED! Many young people are increasingly dying as a result of kidney disease. HOW TO AVERT THE MENACE OF KIDNEY DISEASE:...

BEWARE AND BEWARNED! Many young people are increasingly dying as a result of kidney disease. HOW TO AVERT THE MENACE OF KIDNEY DISEASE: 1. Stop delaying going to a toilet. Keeping your urine in your bladder for too long is a bad idea. A full bladder can cause bladder damage. The urine that stays in the bladder multiplies bacteria quickly. Once the urine refluxes back to the urether and kidneys, toxic substances can result in kidney infections, then urinary tract infections, and nephritis, plus uremia. When nature calls do it as soon as possible. 2. Eating too much...

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Please take time to read this challenging story, it will change your evangelistic vision and fortitude. Every Sunday afternoon, after t...

Please take time to read this challenging story, it will change your evangelistic vision and fortitude. Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring rain The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready.' His Pastor dad asked, 'Ready...

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Reports of kidnapping have become common in Nigeria. Though not a new trend, kidnappers have continued to devise new methods to lure victi...

Reports of kidnapping have become common in Nigeria. Though not a new trend, kidnappers have continued to devise new methods to lure victims. Below are some of the new tricks to watch out for: 1. Ploy at parties In this method, a note is dubiously passed to the master of ceremonies requesting the owner of an identified vehicle to come out and move his or her vehicle to allow others parking access. Immediately the individual gets to his car, the kidnappers grab the person and zoom off in the car. This was what happened to Mr. Remi Olakunri...

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1. When there is a casting down, you will be proclaiming a lifting up ... Job 22:29. 2. Your God shall supply all your needs according to...

1. When there is a casting down, you will be proclaiming a lifting up ... Job 22:29. 2. Your God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus ... Phillipians 4:19. 3. He knows the thoughts he has towards you, they are thoughts of good and not evil to give you an expected end... Jeremiah 29:11. 4. You will never see the righteous forsaken nor will you see their seed beg for bread... Psalms 37:25. 5. Even though the young lions lack and suffer hunger , because you and your household trust...

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It’s more than 20minutes, I’m still unable to put words together to begin this story. I will try keep it simple and necessarily detailed s...

It’s more than 20minutes, I’m still unable to put words together to begin this story. I will try keep it simple and necessarily detailed so everyone will understand the true picture of what happened, why against my belief that writing personal experiences on social media is immature, I had to still write mine. Let’s just say I’m not thinking right now, maybe I’m so upset but truth is, I need your advice. I’m writing this thread seated at the back of a Hilux truck just outside our apartment. You see, today is EID and believe me I should...

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