Attitudes that probably makes you unlucky in love relationships. - LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP ANGLE

Attitudes that probably makes you unlucky in love relationships.

A lot of people fall into the category of being ‘unlucky in love’ or have fallen into into this category one time or the other. If you...

A lot of people fall into the category of being ‘unlucky in love’ or have fallen into into this category one time or the other. If you have had one too many unlucky experiences in love… Here are pointers on how to get better.
Your expectations are unreasonable
A lot of people want a nearly-perfect person in their lives and they can’t deal if they’re with someone who falls short. It’s so important to compromise in love. Love inspires you to overlook some things. Of course, there are some major things that you can’t compromise on but in the long run, you must adopt the spirit to look beyond the minor things. Remember, you’re no angel either.
You keep trying to change your partner.
Trying to change even one attribute in your partner is a very difficult and almost impossible task to accomplish and if it is indeed accomplished, it takes time. However, trying to change every little thing or to change a person totally is a feat that would most likely lead to a breakup. Accept people for who they are. Stop trying to change them to be what you want. Rather, move on and find someone that encompasses what you desire
You let your insecurities get the best of you… and your relationship.
Insecurities in this case could stem from your self-worth, lack of trust, experiences in the past etc. Insecurities constitute a poison to any relationship. Every person has one insecurity or the other to deal with. However, very few people have the capacity to deal with another person’s insecurities. This is something that you need to fix in and by yourself before getting into a relationship. Truth is, no matter how much you attempt to conceal your insecurities, they seep out and they push people away.
You focus on trivial things when choosing a partner
A lot of people choose partners based on superficial reasons. Could be their looks or the way they talk or walk etc. Now, no one is saying that these are not important. However, what is most important is going beyond the physical to actually considering things that last such as a genuine connection, shared interests etc. Physical reasons fade in the face of relationship pressures.
You are too dependent on your partner
It’s normal that when you fall in love, you want to be with them every other day. You want to hear their voice all the time and you want to be a part of their every move. However, sometimes less is more. Your being too available and dependent could be irritating to your partner. You need to depend on yourself first before anyone else. Get busy with other things. Have friends outside the relationship. Have a life first before a relationship.
You and only you are in control of who you get into a relationship with. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are ready and that you are sure of your partner, being open to change, getting better at being someone’s partner and you will be lucky in love. Source- Green news.

This should be an eye opener.