MUST READ: Why Sexuality Education Is Important For Young Children - LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP ANGLE

MUST READ: Why Sexuality Education Is Important For Young Children

In an age of increasing technology and social media exposure, sexuality education should be of great concern to all parents. Valuable...

In an age of increasing technology and social media exposure, sexuality education should be of great concern to all parents.
Valuable time must be created out of the busy daily schedules to teach. Make them feel free to discuss any changes on their body, especially the transformation from puberty to matured stage.
All parents want to provide the guidance and knowledge their children need to become responsible and happy adults. But, sometimes, they are not really comfortable when talking about sexuality related topics.

Why It Is Important:
The knowledge of sexuality education topics will guide them, they will be protected and safe from the unknown while growing-up. Some parents encourage their children to abstain without telling them how and what it takes. Others tell their children that they can make their own decisions as long as they are safe, and we still have some who never talk to their kids at all, which is the worst case of all.

Do not leave everything for the school or the internet because if you don’t do it, they will eventually learn it from others in a wrong way. Even if teens decide to remain celibate, they should still be educated about birth control and other topics for the future. Make them feel free to talk about their sexual health!
However, evidence strongly indicates that having a candid conversation without shame and providing accurate information leads to healthy attitudes about s ex and sexuality in young children, even adults.
Teach them abstinence. Let your child know its advantages, be honest and build an open line of communication so that when your teen needs you, he or she knows you will be there. The next time your child asks where he or she came from, tell them the truth.
From observations, most youth do not trust that the Internet as a good source of providing them with the accurate information they are looking for, instead, they use the Internet to verify what they have been told by their parents, teachers, or peers.
Having a parent to talk with about s ex and birth control eliminates many dangers, such as false or harmful information from peers, neglect of protective measures, and attempting to solve serious problems alone such as an unwanted pregnancy or an STD which could lead to so many complications or death.
Remember, parent-child communication about sexuality can have a positive influence on teen sexual behaviour! - Green news.

I pray for God to protect our youths in this generation.