Negative Impact of Alcohol for Health. - LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP ANGLE

Negative Impact of Alcohol for Health.

Alcohol has long been known as a beverage that has hundreds or even thousands of negative effects to the body. Although alcohol also h...

Alcohol has long been known as a beverage that has hundreds or even thousands of negative effects to the body. Although alcohol also have a positive impact on the body, but the negative impact is much greater. Especially if alcohol is consumed in excessive amounts. To learn more about the negative effects of alcohol, especially for health, is 10 negative impact of alcohol on health that you can know.

Alcohol is a drink derived from fermented fruits, grains and honey. Inside there are different alcohol content of harmful substances that have a variety of negative impacts on health. What are the negative effects of alcohol on health? This, 10 negative impact of alcohol on health!

10 negative impact of alcohol on health:

 1.Cause nerve damage
Consuming alcohol in large amounts in addition to the heady also can disrupt the nervous system of the brain and cause damage slowly. Even if taken with the very large and exceed the capacity of the body, can lead to overdose and death.

2.Cause heart problems
Various hazardous substances in alcohol can cause damage to all the functions of organs including the heart. Consume alcohol regularly and excess can cause heart problems such as increased heart rate, shortness of breath, chest pain, nasal breathing and heart attacks.

3.Interfere with the body’s metabolic system
Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with the body’s metabolic system. Where the metabolic system is a producer of energy that the body needs to move. That is why someone who consume too much alcohol is always excited and energized when beaktivitas, because the system has been disturbed metabolism.

4.Disrupt the reproductive system
Alcohol also has a bad impact on reproductive health, such as lowered sexual desire, cause infertility, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

5.Lowering intelligence
The content of harmful substances in alcohol causes damage to brain function slowly, including lowered intelligence, concentration and memory of a person.

6.Cause weight gain
Excessive alcohol consumption and routine every day can lead to weight gain. Calorie and high sugar levels in the alcohol be one of the triggers of weight gain when consumed alcohol a person.

7.Interfere with liver function
Alcohol also causes damage to the liver. Damage to the liver caused disruption of liver function, ie, neutralize and remove toxins in the body.

8.Cause high blood pressure
Consuming alcohol will activate adrenal hormones in the body that works to increase alertness, increase heart rate and raise blood pressure. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing high blood pressure or hypertension.

9.Cause discomfort in the body
As you know, alcohol has an intoxicating effect. Besides intoxicating, consuming alcohol is also often accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, pain, anxiety and so forth, all of which cause discomfort in the body.

10.Shorten a person’s age
Various organs damage that occurs as a result of consuming alcohol, enlarge or reduce the risk of sudden death or shorten the life expectancy of a person’s age. - Health Tips.