A bold life requires that you consistently take action in order to build your confidence and courage. When you hold back out of doubt and f...

A bold life requires that you consistently take action in order to build your confidence and courage.
When you hold back out of doubt and fear, you live small, settle for less, and cheat yourself out of an adventurous life.

 Life is too short to stay stuck and paralyzed. You have the power to get through anything.

Everyday there are fearless, physically, mentally, and emotionally challenged people doing incredible things.

It's time to let go of your excuses. It's time to be wildly creative and amazingly brave. It's time to make an intentional choice to do what it takes.

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

If your aim in life is to achieve success, then go out and do something positive. Learn to achieve something positive daily. Increase your understanding by reading motivational books and magazine, attend lectures, and listen to video book or audio cassette. Make it a habit to read daily, not just newspaper which merely keep you current, but materials which expand your mind and keep you updated.

Life is battle, do not fear the fight but fight the fear.