

Am going to be addressing the above topic irrespective of whether you are married or not. However, for the points that strictly relates to t...

Am going to be addressing the above topic irrespective of whether you are married or not. However, for the points that strictly relates to the married ones, I will ensure to indicate, so the singles amongst us are not mislead into thinking they are free to practice it..

Creating exciting/romantic moments in your relationship is something everyone thinks about, but few people actually practice it. Perhaps it's because they actually can't think of exactly what to do.
Here are eight "acts of love" that you can do with and for your partner to bring a little more romance into your relationship.

1. Make your morning time special by creating a loving atmosphere in the home. This can be achieved in so many ways. As for me, one way I could start my day (with the intention of creating a loving atmosphere) is to serve my wife breakfast in bed. Any woman will love such display of love from her husband. This act only makes your partner feel cherished and the kindness will be returned in due time.
*this is strictly for the married* as the unmarried are not encouraged to indulge in such act that could lead to sex. Hahahaha. Sorry oh, singles in the house. Your time will come soon in Jesus name, amen.

2. Make the time at the end of the work-day when you first see one another extra special by giving each other a 10 second hug and kiss. You will both feel more deeply connected throughout the evening. Also remember to touch your partner affectionately throughout the day, not just when you want to be romantic, but let it be a habit. Every woman loves to be chased by her husband, even after she has 7 children. Lol (married husbands in the house take note)

3. Take the time to tell your partner that they look wonderful, beautiful, sexy or great. We all have doubts sometimes about our looks and hearing that we are attractive to our partners is a very important part of creating a romantic relationship. It always feels good to hear such compliments first from your partner. *This can be practised by both the married and the unmarried*. Who says you cannot admire your fiancé or your wife? But be sure such admiration is not borne out of evil desires.

4. As frequent as possible, take the time to give your partner 100% of your attention when they want to talk to/with you. Put down the remote control, also put away your phone (no whatsapp, BBM or any form of clicking during this period) or whatever you're reading to avoid distractions. Then face your partner and say "What would you like to talk about?" It will make your partner feel loved and important to you.

This next point is something most men/guys miss out in their homes/relationships.
5. Before you leave in the morning tell your partner that you are looking forward to seeing them when you return. Never leave the house without acknowledging your partner or saying, "I love you." The word "I love you" is romantic on its own and it goes a long way in creating a romantic atmosphere in your relationship.

Who says *LOVE* is cheap? Check out the next point. Lol

6. Expression of genuine love to your partner (wife or fiancé) cost time, money and a lot of other sacrifices. It is not out of place when you pick a little gift for your partner just to show that even when you go shopping for yourself, the thought of them is still in your heart. This is a wonderful and uplifting act of love and it will be remembered for a very long time.

7. Create time from your busy schedule during the day to at least make calls to find out how your wife/fiancé is doing. Ensure you are a source of encouragement in such phone calls rather than discouragement. (practised by both married and single brothers)

8. If your partner is having a rough and tough day, offer to take them out or make dinner for them. If they are the one usually doing the cooking this will be a welcome change and a sign of your appreciation. If they are experiencing stress at work, it will be a great way for them to unwind from a tough day.

NOTE: Don't try to do everything on this list in the same weekend, one a month is plenty. These ideas are just a little help to get you started. Once you get going, more ideas will come to you on their own.

Taking the time to create romance in your relationship is paramount to creating a fulfilling love life. Even if you think your ideas are silly, your partner will be thrilled that you took the time to do something loving for them. Remember, it's the thought that counts.