Can Birth Control Pills Fail? - LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP ANGLE

Can Birth Control Pills Fail?

Am sure this article will help a lot to understand that Birth Control Pills can actually fail if certain things are not put in place. Rea...

Am sure this article will help a lot to understand that Birth Control Pills can actually fail if certain things are not put in place. Read on:
Birth control pills are a kind of medication that women can take daily to prevent pregnancy. They are also sometimes called “the pill” or oral contraception. But the Pill is not magic, so if it is not taken as directed, it is not going to do its job as expected.
There are a handful of things that could truly interfere with the Pill’s level of effectiveness and could lead to an unplanned pregnancy.
When you miss a pill or starting a pack late: Your chances of getting pregnant depend upon when you missed your pill during your cycle, the number of pills you missed in a row, and if you had unprotected intercourse around the time of missed your pills. Missing a pill is the biggest mistake you can make!
Does missing one pill mean you are definitely going to get pregnant? No, but it does mean that you could get pregnant especially if it’s the first active pill in the pack. What action you take when you have missed taking one or more pills depends upon what type of birth control pill you use. If you miss a single pill other than the first one, take it as soon as you remember, and you should be fine. If you miss more than two pills, please consider yourself unprotected.
What if I am on the pill and I am sick or have diarrhoea? Mayo Clinic says that if you have had serious diarrhoea or vomiting for two or more days, you should act as though you have missed a pill. If you are sick (vomit) within two hours of taking your contraceptive pill, it will not have been absorbed by your body. You should take another pill straight away. As long as you are not sick again, you are still protected against pregnancy. Take your next pill at the usual time.
If you continue to be sick or have severe diarrhoea (passing six to eight watery stools in 24 hours), this can mean that your protection against pregnancy is affected.

What are the effects of antibiotics on birth control pills?
Doctor’s Response:
There are two ways that antibiotics potentially can reduce the action of birth control pills. Birth control pills contain estrogens. Some antibiotics like rifampin, griseofulvin, cause the enzymes in the liver to increase the breakdown of estrogens and thereby can decrease the levels of estrogens in the body and the effectiveness of the pills. This can result in unwanted pregnancy.
Therefore, individuals taking birth control pills should use a second method of birth control when taking these antibiotics or other drugs that can increase the breakdown of estrogens.
Timing: In order for the pills to be effective, they have to be taken at the same time every day. This is especially the case for progestin-only pills. So, if you are planning to go on the pills, remember to take them at a time that is most convenient to you so that you won’t forget. If you know you are prone to forget, set your alarm to ring at that time to serve as a reminder.
Storage: Extreme heat or cold can help to lower the effectiveness of medications including contraceptives. So, to be on the safe side, you should store your pills out of direct sunlight and in a cool area. Also, check to see that they are not expired. - greennews