Health Benefits Of Onions... - LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP ANGLE

Health Benefits Of Onions...

While most people shy away from onions because of its effect on the eyes, these vegetables have been listed among the most beneficial to ...

While most people shy away from onions because of its effect on the eyes, these vegetables have been listed among the most beneficial to man, health wise. For centuries, onions have been used in various forms either cooked, fried, raw or dried not just to season food, but to cure various ailments and prevent others.
Here are 5 health benefits of Onions:
  • Remedy for cold and flu
The World Health Organization (WHO), has recognized onions’ ability to relieve and ultimately ward off flu symptoms like cough, bronchitis and respiratory infections.
  • Fights cancer
Due to its richness in a variety of sulphides said to protect against the growth of tumours in the body, studies have revealed that the regular intake of onions will help reduce the risk of various types of cancer including colorectal cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, stomach cancer and ovarian cancer.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
Thanks to its chromium content, onions aids the regulation of glucose levels in the body by increasing the amount of insulin.
  • Protects the heart
As a result of the sulphur compounds, chromium and vitamin B6 found in these bulbs, studies have shown that onions protects the heart by lowering blood pressure therefore reducing the risk heart attack risk.
  • Aids digestion
Its rich dietary fibre content as well as prebiotics which encourages the growth of good bacteria results in improved dietary function and reduces the risk of developing gastric ulcers.
Forget its ability to make you cry, these bulbs are filled nutrients that help the body in the best possible ways which is why you should make it a part of your meal always. - Green news.