My Wedding Night: Episode 8 - LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP ANGLE

My Wedding Night: Episode 8

I soon regained myself to see two female police officers and Nancy by my side. Detective Jeremiah stood a distance away, watching me with g...

I soon regained myself to see two female police officers and Nancy by my side. Detective Jeremiah stood a distance away, watching me with great interest. “hope you have eaten today?” one of the female officers asked me.
“yea” i nodded, breathing heavily. “you have to get a grip of yourself if you ever want to win this case. You got to be strong. Esther Hardey will be here in few minutes for questioning” the Detective said to me.
“please i want to be present when she’s being questioned. I want to see her face” i begged weakly. “no i can’t do that, i have already broken a lot of protocols for you” he answered quickly.
“I beg of you. Remember we are talking about my husband’s murder. Help a widow” i pushed passionately. He breathed deeply and shrugged. “i hope i don’t get fired for all i’m doing for you. Well you have to freshen up first, secondly you must promise not to say a word to the lady when you meet her” he said seriously.
“oh yes, i promise not to say a word” i answered, while he smiled and left. “the detective is a wonderful man.
He will help you out” the second female cop said to me, nodding with a smile.

After freshening up in one of the bathrooms, i was led to the detective’s office, where i sat and waited for the so called Esther Hardey to show up.
She showed up precisely ten minutes later with the same annoying white lawyer who threatened my brother.
They all stared at me with surprise as they walked into the detective’s office. “what is this murderer doing here?” the lawyer asked with anger. Detective Jeremiah smiled and shook his head.
“As a lawyer, you should know that no suspect is guilty until a court of law gives verdict. She’s a suspect just like the lady that brought you along” he answered the Lawyer who bit his lips angrily. 
“i’m taking none of this shit any longer. If you can’t do your job, better resign. My clients are tired of being detained in this country for no justifiable reason.
They all want to go home and i give you two days to make it happen, else the fury of the American government will be on the whole Nigerian police force. You can’t just keep everyone hostage” he threatened. 
“oh i see you are representing all the Americans involved in this case, but i feel that will change soon” the detective added quietly. “what if i tell you, i have enough evidence to throw one of your clients in the cell right now?” he pushed on.
“Esther Hardey, she was at the house when the crime was committed. She was Damian’s fiancee, am i wrong?” he asked the lawyer who kept quiet.
 “Esther had the motive and mindset to commit such murder and according to test results we have so far, she was physically present in one of the crime scenes which invariably places her in a bad position. I pin the murder charge on her.
Phewwww case closed. I get promoted” The detective concluded with a smile, while the lawyer instantly grew tense and stared at Esther with a coloured face. Of course the detective had nothing strong to pin down the lady, but as a good officer he pulled a fast one on the white lawyer who for the first time looked beaten. It was time to prove how good a lawyer he was…. 
I prayed silently. I prayed for the detective’s stunt to work. “your client should use this opportunity to come out clean or Damian’s mother won’t like what i plan telling her” the detective pushed on, while Esther coloured up.

It was obvious she was hiding something “oh Lord, make her to confess” i prayed.

Did Esther confess ? Did I hear "thank God"?
You will be shock next Eposide (EPISODE 9)


  1. Waoh! The writer of this story was once a lawyer oh! I mean a good lawyer or he has been involved in a case before...simply put he is indeed versatile...
