

Many men claim to be men of unfailing love, but who can find a faithful man? Proverbs 20:6 1. Any man who is only interested in your physi...

Many men claim to be men of unfailing love, but who can find a faithful man?
Proverbs 20:6
1. Any man who is only interested in your physical appearance, eg. your beauty, stature, height, breasts, lips, big buttocks, complexion, good voice, pointed nose, oval shaped face, eyeballs, set of pure white teeth, legs, long hair, general body shape can break your heart when all these physical qualities are no longer there or if he sees a girl who is more beautiful than you are.
A relationship that is based on physical qualities alone cannot stand the test of time! His love for you should be more than skin deep.

2. A man who really is interested in settling down with you can't wait to meet your parents and pastors.
But If your man refuses to meet your parents and your pastor or if he does not want to introduce you to his family and friends, beware he may have a hidden agenda. A man who loves you and is sure about the leading of the Holy Spirit concerning the relationship will want to meet your lovely parents, pastors and he will be proud to  introduce you to his loved ones also. He is not afraid of marital commitment.
Don't ever give excuses for him why he should not see your pastor or parents, instead he should be encouraged to do so as soon as possible.

3. If he threatens to leave you unless he has sex with you, please run!!! He is a potential heart breaker. He is only interested in your private part! And after using you he dumps you! A man who vows to toy with your lips, nipples, and vagina before marriage or threatens to cancel his plan for marriage if you don’t give him your body, is nothing but a player! No man has a license to browse through your private parts until he marries you. Don't compromise your integrity because you don't want to lose a dog that is after your nakedness. Let him go because there are one thousand and one real men out there who are ready to take you to the altar without defiling you. If all he wants is your waist, he is a destiny waster.

4. He has deep-rooted problems
Everybody has issues. None of us are perfect and we all have flaws in our personality that we have to work on. However, you do come across people who seem to have more “issues” than “personality.”
Be it problems with alcohol, drugs, sex, smoking or gambling, if there's something in his life that you’re always second place to, this relationship is not going to last long. It might not sound noble, but you deserve better than being his crutch and you should walk out.

5. HE’S UNCOMFORTABLY CLOSE WITH HIS EX. If he won’t stop texting, calling or chatting with his ex and comparing you with her even after you’ve expressed your concerns about it, then he isn’t trying to keep you around. If she’s more important to him than you are, then a break-up is in your future.
Don't waste your precious time if his heart is still with his Ex

Love is commitment. It shouldn’t be all that hard for him to clear his schedule. If he goes from seeing you every weekend to seeing you every other week, then it won’t be long until he stops seeing you completely. He’s trying to be a 'ghost' on you gradually. When a man truly loves a woman, he creates time to be with her. The proof of love is Pursuit!

Some men will take a while to warm up to you. However, if you’ve been in courtship for months and you still know nothing about him(Family, Mentors, Place of work, Friends, plans for the vision, church, temperament, past, weaknesses and strength etc) he isn’t serious about you. If he was, then he would’ve spilled his heart out to you.

Does he lie? Every liar is a potential heartbreaker!!! If your man is a liar, he hardly tells you the truth, beware such a man is dangerous! Don’t toy with your life. Love cannot be built on a foundation of falsehood. Any man that is not faithful is unreliable. If you’ve already discovered that he’s an amazing liar, you can’t believe a word that he says. If he’s willing to lie to you about one thing, he’ll be willing to do it again and again. Even if he doesn’t break up with you, he’ll break your heart by doing something deceptive.

A relationship requires two willing participants. If you’re the only one putting in any effort, then you’re going to end up heartbroken. If he doesn’t care about you enough to pull his weight, then it’s only a matter of time until he leaves you.

10. He's A Man Whose Phone You Cannot Handle, Whose Messages You Cannot Read, Who Usually Hides From You To Receive His Calls, And Who Always Delete His Inbox Messages Or Call Log Before You See Them, He Maybe Hiding A Secret From You! A Real Man Is Open, Sincere, Honest, Plain And Transparent Without Any Form Of Hypocrisy, Hidden Agenda Or Deception.

11. If he womanizes or he cheats on you, there is fire on the mountain!!! RUN! RUN!! RUN!!!
Every fornicator is a potential heart breaker and adulterer!!! What are you waiting for? Run! It is better to be single and searching than being in a relationship with a womanizer. When it comes to relationships, remaining faithful is never an option but a priority.

12. He's not working and he's not making any effort to get a job. He is only interested in your money, beware! He demands money from you and he does not care about your own welfare. Be careful. He may be dating you because of your money. You should not be his ATM or a Source of Income. It Is A Relationship Not A Financial Institution Or A Job Opportunity. Don't be too desperate to date a parasite!

13. A married man is no go area no matter the lies he tells you about his wife!
He will use your heart to play football. If your man is not available or he’s engaged to another lady, beware! He may want to use you as his sex partner not a marriage partner!!! RUN and don’t waste your precious time with a user. A word is enough for the wise.

14. I know a married man who had had two serious accidents while staring at beautiful ladies. If your man stares at every other lady that passes by anytime he is with you, he can leave for the one he’s staring at. Beware! He may still be looking for a girl he will absolutely love! The truth is that a man who stares at every other lady that passes by has the potential of sleeping around. Any man who is not discipline is not a real man! True love is focus
Last but not the least....

He should be proud to hold your hand at the mall and introduce you to his friends. If he tells you to be quiet whenever you joke around in public, or refuses to even go out in public with you, then he doesn’t want anyone to know you’re together.
If you notice that your man always tell other ladies that you are his biological sister, sister in the Lord or if he starts dodging when he sees you, this is a danger sign that he is not proud of you and intending to break your heart!
A man who loves you should not be ashamed of you. He treats you like his queen and he is proud to let the world know you are his treasure.
May you not fall in love and fall into trouble in Jesus name. - PASTOR SAMUEL OLAGBENJO