

That neighbour of yours, whose children go to school with torn school uniforms that cost only 5k, have you changed it for them? That your ...

That neighbour of yours, whose children go to school with torn school uniforms that cost only 5k, have you changed it for them?

That your friend who just flashed you because he doesn't have N20 airtime, have you sent N200 airtime to him?

That your office colleague who didn't go for lunch today because he's broke, did you share yours with him?

Those numerous shirts in your wardrobe you've not touched for the past one year, have you given all of them out to people who'll wear them everyday?

That girl that sells recharge card(Top up) to you everyday, do you even know her name?

Do you know your gate man may not have taken his bath with soap this morning because he couldn't afford to buy N30 lux?

Do you know that your cleaner's child's balanced diet is flat pap, morning, afternoon, night. Have you bought her a tin of baby milk ?

To my friends who are fond of sending  bbm messages telling me about how Jesus loves me. I already know that Jesus loves me, I don't need a reminder.

Try and SHOW folks around you "Jesus Love" on a daily basis and you'll see God in action in your life.
 Your kindness should not only be in Church and mostly to MoG, but outward to everyone whom Christ has defined as your neighbour, brother and sister .
Please Help someone today.