

Afia sat in the hall. Patrick had left on another trip and she was at home with only Sedi but Sedi was asleep. She remembered how she had ...

Afia sat in the hall. Patrick had left on another trip and she was at home with only Sedi but Sedi was asleep. She remembered how she had ended up where she was now.
Flash back
Afia run into the sea as her friend Korkor chased her. They had been friends for so many years but they were not best friends.
They fought every now and then, it seemed odd that their friendship thrived.
Afia rocked white shorts with a white crop top whiles Korkor rocked a white long dress.
They did that all the time. Whenever they decided to go out they wore matching clothes, mostly matching with colours.
Afia was much more beautiful than Korkor but Korkor was much curvier than Afia so they kind of complemented each other.
They both stood at the shore laughing at something funny Korkor had said when they saw three young men walking by.
All three of them stared at the happy girls but one of them excused himself and walked towards Afia.
She liked it because she liked bold men.
Korkor excused herself so the guy could talk to Afia but as she left, one of the two guys stopped her with a conversation.
“Hi, my name is Elom….you?” The guy who stopped Afia said.
Afia raised her head to look at him well. He was really cute, and that voice was like music to her ears so she smiled.

“My name is Afia, nice meeting you”  She said as they shook hands.
“Do you mind if we find a place to sit and talk?” Afia nodded so the guys led them away from the shore to the bar.
The bar was small but very cozy, Afia liked it there,  she felt that this guy knew how to make a woman feel good but she couldn’t decided anything now for she had no idea what was going on in his head.
The guys asked them what they’d have which they said, so the one who didn’t get anyone to talk to went off to get their drinks.
“Ok, so tell me a bit about yourself”. Elom said. Afia smiled again. “I am a student at Cape Coast University but I’m on vacation”. Elom smiled.
Oh wow, the guy had a very beautiful smile. “nice, so you are from Cape Coast” Afia nodded. “but I live here in Accra, how about you?”.
He looked at her critically. She seemed very nice, she was very pretty too and he knew his other friend would have chosen Afia if he hadn’t taken the first step.
“Well, i…hmm…..i’m a lot of things, I sell cars, I own three boutiques and I deal in jewellery, i live at North Kaneshie”.
“oh, nice on you” Afia said. The third friend, Ato arrived with the waiter who had brought the drinks and served them.
They drank as they chatted. At a point they all came together and chatted, it was really fun for them. The guys were knuckleheads, they cracked jokes that got the  girls reeling with laughter.
They agreed to meet again though they exchanged numbers.
The girls arrived at Korkor’s house. Korkor had rented a place and Afia was staying with her. They both showered and came to sit by the television.
Afia noticed her phone was blinking so she touched the screen and realized it was a message from Elom.
She smiled causing Korkor to come sit beside her as they read the messages he sent. They agreed to meet the following day to have dinner.
Both girls were happy about the new development, Afia was very happy, she realized Elom wanted to keep in contact with her.
The following day, Korkor helped her speck up for her date. She arrived at the restaurant to meet Elom, as she walked towards him, she saw he was smiling at her, then she saw a fleeting look of surprise on his face and then back to the smile.
When he made her comfortable, he called a waiter to give her the drink of her choice while he excused himself for a minute.
He wasn’t gone for long, when he returned he looked a bit sweaty, and there was a little red spot on his shirt that looked like blood.
When he noticed she was looking at it, he told her someone was hurt in the parking lot and he had gone to help but the few people who entered the place looked at him oddly.
She was making one big mistake, she was ignoring the red flags.
Those who were looking at Elom were looking at him with disdain, she should have picked on that but she didn’t, all she could see was the cute sweet man in her presence.
She had no idea that Elom hadn’t gone to help someone, he had gone to beat someone up for staring at her ass when she walked in.
This is something most women do and end up in complicated situations, ignore the red signs, did this affect Afia in any way?

Let’s find out in Episode 5……