
A Virtuous Wife

A Virtuous Wife loves, respects, honors & encourages her husband in a manner that emboldens his manhood & affirms his priesthood pos...

A Virtuous Wife loves, respects, honors & encourages her husband in a manner that emboldens his manhood & affirms his priesthood position in the family. A woman who does this, receives uncommon favor from God

There is no room for secrets in marriage. Secrets corrode trust. Secrets destroy marriages. Every secret that you keep from your spouse, regardless of how small it is, is taking away from your marriage. Be open to your spouse
Take the first move to make your marriage better.

Set your love priorities right. Fall in love with God first & you’ll love your spouse best. No matter what you are going through in your marriage, believe that with God, better days are coming. Don't give up on your spouse and marriage

Family, friends & coworkers don’t need to know every minor disagreement & every petty argument between you & your spouse. Don't share your marital problems with just anybody. Not every person that smiles at you is trying to build your marriage. Be matured enough to settle your marital problem without involving anyone

Woman, don't turn yourself to a bad daughter in law. Remember whatever you sow, you will reap. Be nice to your in laws and it will be well with you
Say NO to Marital Violence. There is ߙno room for beastly behavior in marriage.
In marriage, each partner is to be an encourager rather than a critic, a forgiver rather than a collector of hurts, a healer rather than a causer of hurts, an enabler rather than a reformer.

Marriage is still holy & purity is still desirable: "We live in a world where true love, trust and genuine companionship have been replaced by lust, envy and selfishness. The commitment of two people to one another has become scarce, difficult and rare. Yet, by its scarcity, the splendor and value of marriage have only been enhanced." Marriage is still sacred, holy & honorable. Purity is still desirable. Don't give the Devil a foothold in your marriage by watching movies & reading magazines that dignify divorce & glorify infidelity. By beholding you become changed. "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." Hebrews 13:4.

Anybody can get married, but it takes genuine love to stay married. The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make not just on your wedding day, but over and over again and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife daily.

When I was heavily pregnant, I thought I was ugly anytime I looked at the mirror. But my husband will always tell me that I  looked more beautiful than when I was not pregnant. That made me felt good.  Lolz. Men, when last did you tell your wife she's beautiful? Tell her she's beautiful and she'll be beautiful! Tell her she's wonderful and she'll be wonderful. You cannot experience a happy life without the experience of a happy wife. Happy wife = happy life.

Marriage is like a garden, it needs to be maintained & worked on; pruning, weeding, cultivating & fertilizing. If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, its because they take care of it. Anyone can admire the beauty of a garden. But it takes time, effort, diligence & work to make any garden admirable.

Let's talk about sex
When it Comes to Sex; God Wired Husband & Wives Differently: Understanding how your spouse is sexually wired is good for your marriage. Sexually husband & wife are like two sides of the same coin; united but facing their world differently. Women give sex to get intimacy, while men give intimacy to get sex. Men can separate the sex act from the relationship & see nothing wrong & actually experience a great deal of sexual satisfaction. But women feel exploited by a physical sexual act that is not accompanied by romantic tenderness, caring, compliments, fondling & the assurance of love before & after the act. Therefore for an exciting 1 hour sexual experience a husbands should spend 23 hours making her feel special by complimenting, caring, caressing & reassuring her. Ladies, your husbands are visually oriented; work on yourself & be attractive & stimulating. Look good, smile good & smell fresh. “The wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, her husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.” 1 Corinthians 7:4

Husbands and Wives must love each other regardless of their imperfections. Loving your spouse doesn't mean that you approve of everything that they do, but it does mean that your commitment to them is bigger than all of their flaws.
In Marriage, there can't be "his problems" and "her problems." EVERY issue is one that need to be addressed together.

We should Be VERY careful about having friends of the opposite sex. If you have a "friend" that you tell things to that you don't tell your spouse, then you are creating toxic situation. Affairs don't start in the bedroom; they start with conversations, emails, texts and communication that lead down a dangerous path. Protect your Marriage!

Communicate! Communicate!! Communicate with your spouse. Don't let unspoken expectations cause resentment towards your spouse. He/She is not a mind reader! Communication is crucial to a healthy marriage. If you don't actively and consistently communicate, don't expect anything to improve.

Invest in your marriage. Don't leave the whole jobs for your spouse. A marriage only works when both partners are fully committed. When only one spouse is doing all the work, it's like trying to swim with one arm tied behind your back...you only go in circles. Work together. Serve each other. Always Love each other.

Lastly, Jesus  says to us, "Never will I leave you or forsake you." Husbands and wives are called to love each other with that same undying devotion!

Thanks for reading
We will not fail in marriage in Jesus name.