

Here are my candid counsels for our mothers out there. 1. What type of wife are you? Are you a virtuous type of wife that the bible descri...

Here are my candid counsels for our mothers out there.

1. What type of wife are you? Are you a virtuous type of wife that the bible describes in the book of Prov. 31:10-31? In case you don't know, please take time to read the passage and learn about what it takes to be a virtuous wife.

2. Are you the type of wives that disrespect their husbands? Let me be sincere with you, you can't be disrespecting your husband and expect him to love you. It's impossible. It's the duty and responsibility of every responsible woman to respect her husband. So if you are the type that find it difficult to respect and honour your husband, please you need to amend your way before it's too late.

3. What about your character ma? How are you treating your in-laws, neighbours, your husband's friends and associates? A woman that lacks good characters cannot have a settled home. Your character will determine if you will stay longer in your husband's house. So work on your characters before you are sending packing.

4. Mummy, what about your sexual relationship with your husband? Are you the type that starve your husband with sex? Do you always give him condition before he can have sex with you? Are you the type that do TIMETABLE for sexual intercourse between and your husband? You better have a rethink, it's your duty to satisfy your husband sexually, morally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. so stop denying him of his right. 😊

5. Ma, how are you managing your home? What about your domestic affairs? Do you have time for your husband and children? Are you the type that always go to party every weekend? Are you the type of wives that are addicted to DSTV, watching Africa Magic, Telemundo, Zeeworld, etc all day? Do you even have time to cook for your family? Are you the type that is busy gossiping with neigbours and friends instead of busy doing meaning things? You better have a change of mind before another woman take over your home. 🙁

6. Are you a full-house wife without job, no business, and you are not contributing anything to support your family, except that you are a liability to your husband? Enough is enough. Look for something to do. A woman that doesn't contribute or add value to her family is not a virtuous woman. Be engaged with meaningful activities so that you can support your family. You cannot be a liability and expect your husband to love and appreciate you. No way.

7. Mummy, how is your spiritual life? Don't you know that a good wife must be a Prayer Warrior for her family? It's your duty to support your husband and children with prayer always. Please read the book; "Power of A Praying Wife". Am sure you will one day want to become a wife or mother of president or governor, it doesn't happen by chance, efforts are required for people to fulfil their destinies. Wake up and be spiritually inclined to your family wellbeing.
It's true that your husband is not good enough but know that fighting him cannot solve the problem. It's not your duty to fix him, pray to God to fix him for you. Go for counseling. Attend marriage seminar. Watch these movies, "Fire Proof" and "War Room". They will educate you better. Stop abusing your husband by denying him of what is due for him. Love him, respect him, appreciate him, stay with him, and support him always. Though things may not be rosy today, but know that things will surely get better tomorrow.