Virgin_or_Wife By PstIyke Part 2. - LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP ANGLE

Virgin_or_Wife By PstIyke Part 2.

Well, I never intended to write a second part to this article, but a question came up that prompted my writing this. My greatest passion wh...

Well, I never intended to write a second part to this article, but a question came up that prompted my writing this.
My greatest passion when I write is to strike balance and ensure clarity.

The lay man's understanding of a virgin would be a girl who is unbroken, but note that it is possible to have an unbroken lady who is spoilt far more than a broken lady.

There are many unbroken women with poor character and broken women with good character. (The reverse could also be the case).
My point like I established in part1 is look for wife and not just a virgin. Don't, because you are looking for a virgin, miss a good wife.
I hope you know that a good wife can also be a virgin. I established all that already.

So this lady asked me, "HOW DO WE KNOW A WIFE?"

A woman does not become a wife because of marriage. She becomes a wife before marriage. (Prov.18:22)
Wife is not what happens when you get married, wife is what makes you get married.
Being a wife (having wifely dispositions) before becoming a wife (married) is what will attract the man faster.

Who then is a wife?

1. Weathers Storms
Women are stronger than men, than they can ever imagine.
They were created to outlast and withstand storms. Women survive easily, that which devastates men.
One heart break can kill a man compared to the multiple heartbreaks a woman walks out of still smiling.

It was Williams Golden who said that "Women must be foolish to pretend they are equal to men, they are far superior and always have been."

When you marry such a woman who is fully equipped to weather storms, you are GUARANTEED of Peace in your home.

The worst thing that can happen to any man is to marry a woman who cannot weather any storm and who is even the source of all the storms at home.

A true wife weathers every storm and ensures peace in her home! #GoodPoint!

2. Innovative:

It's been said that variety is the spice of life, but there will be no variety without innovation.

Innovation is the spice that ensures variety. A true wife is not fixed in a particular way, she is innovative, she is dynamic, she is spontaneous and she is creative.

Creativity is the secret of beauty but creativity is impossible without innovation.
A true wife avoids being boring!
~• You can't be boring with the way you dress.
~• You can't be boring with the way you cook.
~• You can't be boring with the way you arrange your sitting room and bed rooms.
~• You can't be boring with your hairstyles.
~• You can't be boring with your night gowns and even sex (only for the married)

If men are attracted by what they see, then ensure you are innovative with what you want them to see.

3. Fervent In Prayers:

Some women might want to relax, but with the level of wickedness in our time and age, prayer will help any woman, any time and any day.

A lot of things will obviously contend with your marriage and your home but prayer is your guarantee for victory.

A really attractive woman is a praying woman. A woman who is mindful of God and she is focused in pleasing Him.

I want to use this medium to recommend to women the book by STORMIE OMARTIAN titled "THE POWER OF A PRAYING WIFE." www.stormieomartian.com

Refusal to pray is an invitation for the devil to prey on you!

If you are a man and you are reading this, a praying woman should be top on the list of the attributes you want in a wife.

4. Empathic In Disposition:

There is something called home, it is different from a house or marriage.

A wise man once said that men give a house to women and the women turn in into a home.

You can be married and have a house but not a home. You can have a marriage but a home.

A home is that safe haven where everybody desires to return. A home is that atmosphere, that environment that children even when they are all grown and married still desire to return to.

A home is an environment where love is consciously entrenched, laughter is deliberately ensured and kisses are the salutation language.

A home is however built by empathy. When a woman is not empathic, she is referred to as a wicked woman.

The Bible says that a wise woman builds her home. A home though not physical structure is built and what builds it is empathy.

A home is superior to marriage and a house because the umbrella of a home reaches to people who are not even biologically connected.

The home of Judge & Lady Adefarasin was a home that went beyond biological children to the likes of Rev. Chris Okotie and very many others.

The house helps, cooks, gardeners, gate men, stewards and drivers should be able to look up and say "thank God we have a home" BUT if a woman is not empathic, all these people who are involved with us as support systems, can never feel like that.

So an empathic disposition makes a woman really beautiful and a wife material. Ensure that people eat when they come to your house.


The things I have written in my bid to answer that beautiful lady's question are few out of many other attributes that makes a woman a true wife material.

The attributes are in·ex·haust·i·ble. So keep learning and keep metarmaphosing into a real attractive marriageble woman.

What have we said this far?
1. W- Weathering Storms
2. I- Innovative disposition
3. F- Fervent in prayers
4. E- Empathic Disposition
An acronym for #WIFE!

Thank you for reading. Now share with a friend.